In History 1120 we did reading logs which were on papers that the teacher assigned us. We had to read the papers and then submit a write up on our findings and what we thought.
Those papers were:
- Jack Brink, “The Buffalo Jump”
in Imagining Head-Smashed-In: Aboriginal buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains,
Edmonton: AU Press, 2008:1-26 - Nagging Wife Revisited by Jan noel, and A Fille Du Roi’s by Arienne. B. Leduc
- “we are all well as we are”
- “Acts of Resistance” and the Website, Enslaved Africans in Upper Canada
- BC gold rushes from Thomas thorner and Thor Frohn-neilson and “into that country to work
- ” In search of the phantom Misnamed Honour” morgan. “Pistols at six o’clock” bown.
- ” what is History and how do we do it”